Thursday, March 19, 2015

Is Grey's Anatomy turning McDreamy into McCheater?

If Derek is cheating on Meredith I will be very disappointed. If you are all caught up you saw Meredith call Derek and a woman answered his phone. After many minutes of her asking "who is this?" the woman on the other end hung up. The episode left us doubting Derek Shepard and his ability to be faithful to his wife. Now Meredith will go down that road, saying Derek was with Addison when he was with Meredith, but if I remember that correctly Addison cheated on Derek. I guess what I am saying is for a long time viewer that analogy is not going to get me to: McDreamy's a cheater. The long time viewer and rational person in me says, just because Patrick Dempsey doesn't want to be a part of the show anymore doesn't mean we have to make him the bad guy. I really think there is much better drama to be written then this.

Maybe this is the first step in the road that has Meredith leaving as well. I know "Grey's Anatomy with no Grey" it is hard to imagine. I have felt it is happening, it just feels like a very slow pull of the band-aid. I am really ok with her leaving, I feel like her character really needs to lighten up a little and stop bitching about everything. I can't imagine how hard it is to be "her person." If she leaves, we would still be left with one heck of a cast that is still watchable with the right stories. I do believe it may be time for the Grey train to head off to Washington and save her marriage. I am sure people need great surgeons there as well. Another possibility is for her to run off and meet up with Christina and the two can be life partners. They can be each other's person forever!

 I am liking the new characters, while still enjoying some of the old. A couple of episodes ago, when Amelia was getting ready to do the surgery on Gina Davis' character, I was about ready to blog a very negative stance on this show in general. How does Amelia come back into the picture and becomes the focus of our attention? I just couldn't get past how many times she was telling me how great she was. Well half way into the episode my mine changed. That part when she questioned hersef and Richard came into the OR. It was the perfect move to remind us and her that she is not the greatest. Great yes, but not the greatest. It made me like her again.  I really feel like these writers are inside my head.

Also placing Amelia with Owen is brilliant. We feel sorry for him, we have felt a little sorry for her in the past. Now I watched Private Practice, so no one know Amelia Shepard like I do. I know her pain, and the fact that she has come back and can act so self righteous at times is pretty amazing to me. Owen, all Grey's Anatomy watchers know his pain. His most recent loss of Christina was what was best for him, but he still suffered. So we suffered with him. It will be great to see him happy and her happy as well.

What's next for April and Jackson, Derek and Meredith? I am waiting to see, as well as what's next for Alex and Jo, Callie and Arizona, Bailey and Ben.  I have to see we have seen a lot when it comes to these couples. I do feel like when I am watching the show I am not sure how much more there can be. Grey's Anatomy may have run it's course. I feel when I make a minute to push play on my DVR I am not excited about it. I am not on the edge of my seat as I used to. I suppose there may be more to write, but with competition the way it is when it comes to television shows, I just don't know if this show still brings it. I am wondering if it's just because there is too many Shondra Rhimes dramas out there. I don't know how much she has to do with each and every one,but I do feel like this one suffers, at least recently. I will still watch,because I always do, until it's official dead. I am just hoping someone signed a Do Not Resuscitate order so I don't have to suffer.

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