Monday, January 7, 2019

What's up with the Bird Box?

Did you watch? Opinions are flying about the Netflix movie: "Bird Box." Some of them are enjoyable to read while others are just enough to make you want to scream. Why do people think we want their detailed opinion? I don't mind a read this, or watch this because it was good. But I really don't need a play by play on why you thought this was a horrible movie as you are giving  People think because they didn't like it, they can persuade you not to like it too. I saw it. I liked it. I think you should watch it too. Now I could get into all the reasons why, but I think maybe you should form your own opinions. Interesting concept huh?

Somethings you may want to think about when you do. It's a Netflix film. Don't expect high end special effects to wow you. It stars Sandra Bullock. That's a big get in my opinion. I saw an advertisement that called her a "powerhouse." I don't agree with that terminology. I would say she does a fantastic job of making us believe she is afraid and we should be afraid too. Now if you don't like to watch things that make you afraid, keep in mind this is more of a suspenseful movie. I don't think it's traditional scary like some might say. I do think you can see some things coming and that protects those of us who watch scary movies in the middle of day (like me).

As you watch and decide if you like it or not, I ask you to remember the series Lost. That is one of the things that came to mind as I was watching. I loved Lost so this movie and the things it fails to reveal are not that big of a deal to me. I enjoyed it for what it is: entertaining. I am hearing a lot of complaints about the ending. The ending was one of the parts I really enjoyed. I like bows. It can be a messy one, but I usually like my movie endings without cliffhangers.

I hope Netflix gives us more original movies and series. The competition is rough in the television world. Finding something good to watch isn't always easy. I am sure it's really hard for all of those with very high standards. I love to review books and movies, so I have to be the first to admit I do like letting a person know when I think they shouldn't waist their time on something.
With that I always remind my reader, it's only my opinion. I usually keep it short and to the point because I still want that person to consider their own thoughts. Everyone is different so what entertains me might not entertain you.

As much as I hate reading from those who tear something apart, I also don't care for those who hype things up. The anticipation of a movie someone has built up, only to find out it's not what you expected can be hard to handle. So watch, enjoy and tell your friends: thumbs up or thumbs down. Save you ridiculous comments like "it's the worst movies you've ever seen." Maybe I should give you a list of bad movies so you can compare. In my opinion you haven't seen enough.


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